{funkygine norseman triatlon charlotte knudsen vegard harm jørgine vasstrand julie easter christiansen vgtv kjendis– Jeg hadde en reell frykt i starten. Det er jo helt umenneskelig. Guys nå som det er rett før har jeg en helt rar ro. Jeg er bare jævlig klar for at dette skal bli around, sa Vegard Harm i et intervju med VG like før start.Your… Read More

The Norseman Triathlon is a well-known endurance test that pushes athletes to the extreme brink of their capacity, not a usual competition. Rivals come from all around the world to participate in this demanding sport against the spectacular background of Norway. One of those that stands out among them is Vegard Harm, whose name has come to represen… Read More

The Norseman Triathlon is a well-known endurance test that pushes athletes to the extreme brink of their capacity, not a usual competition. Rivals come from all around the world to participate in this demanding sport against the spectacular background of Norway. One of those that stands out among them is Vegard Harm, whose name has come to represen… Read More

Many of us find ourselves considering the digital footprints we have left behind as we march approaching 2024. Google Timeline, which logs your location history over time, is one important tool in our online life. However, imagine if we informed you that this priceless information may shortly be leaving the cloud. Changes are in store; for those wh… Read More

Many of us find ourselves considering the digital footprints we have left behind as we march approaching 2024. Google Timeline, which logs your location history over time, is one important tool in our online life. However, imagine if we informed you that this priceless information may shortly be leaving the cloud. Changes are in store; for those wh… Read More